No Chance for Peace
Some of you still think that peace is possible for Israel in the Middle East. Some of you still believe that if Israel would only engage with or negotiate with its Arab enemies, there is a chance for peace. Some of you argue that the roots of the conflict and the Anti-Israeli and Anti-Jewish terrorism and hatred are the so-called occupation, the settlements, the zealot settlers, the road blocks, poverty, and a sense of humiliation and hopelessness among the Arabs, especially the Palestinians.
Some of you still believe that if Israel would only withdraw from the so-called occupied territories to the 1967 borders, and a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as a capital would be established, and the Golan Heights would be given away to the Syrians, Israel would at last live in peace with its neighbors. But the targeting of Jewish children inToulouse, France, should remind us that the root of the conflict is extreme Muslim indoctrination to Jihad, violence, and hate against Jews. There is no chance for any true peace in the Middle East for many years to come when several generations of young Arabs and Muslims have already been lost through daily brainwashing to the dark side of civilization, and nothing Israel or the US will do can bring them back. Similar to Nazism, the central theme of their brainwashing is irrational and obsessive hatred of Jews.
Otherwise, how do you explain the fact that the 23 years old terrorist targeted a Jewish school chasing Miriam, an eight years old girl, grabbing her ponytail and shooting her three times in the head at point blank range? Why did he take the trouble to film his actions, strapping a video to his neck? Why did he document the execution of Rabbi Jonathan Sandler and his two little boys ages three and six? Military solution Because for the Islamists, like for the Nazis in World War II, Jewish children are not perceived as human beings, but rather, as the rodents. Similarly, thousands of sermons, statements, television shows and articles emanating from the Muslim and Arab world liken Jews and Israelis to animals, diseases and the devil.
For the Islamists, as for the Nazis, the destruction of the Jews and the Jewish state is central to their world ideology and indoctrination of hate. I never understood why people believe that every conflict can be solved diplomatically. Many attempts by Israel to find a diplomatic solution have caused further violence and bloodshed. The 1993 Oslo agreement and the Camp David accords of 2000 caused more than 5,000 fatalities and injuries to Israelis. After the unilateral withdrawals of the Israeli army from Gaza and southern Lebanon, Israeli communities inside Israel were victimized by thousands of rockets and missiles.
Sometimes a military solution is the only solution against evil, as was the case against Nazism. Making Israel stronger than ever militarily and hunting down and targeting the terrorists and their sponsors is the solution. Ceasefires and negotiations are used by the enemies as a delaying tactic and a period for renewed military buildups and training. Negotiations and withdrawals from territories are perceived in the Middle East as appeasement and weakness and serve as motivation to restart the violence How much more bloodshed is necessary for people to understand that even if Israel limited its territory only to the city of Tel Aviv, this would still not bring peace, but serve as a jumpstart and invitation for another war.