Netanyahu stronger after elections

Despite the fact that the leftist-liberal media in Israel and the world were salivating over a “weakened” and “rebuked” Netanyahu, in reality he will remain Israel’s prime minister and will lead a right-tilted government. As a matter of fact, the election results and his options in forming a wide, stable government could make Netanyahu even...
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Jews must oppose Hagel

Despite the fact that 69% of American Jews voted for Obama, donated and campaigned passionately for him, he has chosen to betray them at the earliest opportunity after his reelection. Even though there were other capable mainstream candidates, he has picked Chuck Hagel for the important position of defense secretary, a fringe candidate who has...
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Message to hypocritical world

Recent anti-Israeli UN resolutions and condemnations remind us again that the world has not changed and still prefers the Jews to be persecuted, victimized, helpless and defenseless. The Israeli people must send a clear message back to the world that they prefer their survival as a strong and powerful Jewish state over any morally bankrupt...
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Obama's failed Mideast record

When looking at President Obama’s actual record and not his rhetoric, one must conclude that his presidency was a failure in foreign affairs. The US, as well as the world and Israel, cannot afford another four years of such a leaderless and clueless presidency.

Betrayal of Israel by liberal Jews

A new American Jewish Committee poll conducted in September found that Israel came in a distant fourth among issues that registered Jewish voters listed as “most important” to them, with 61.5% listing the economy, 16.1% listing health care, 4.7% listing abortion, and 4.5% listing US-Israel relations.

Second anti-Israel term

One only has to review the pro-Israel sections of the 2008 and 2004 Democratic Party platforms which were removed from the 2012 Democratic Party platform to realize at last Obama’s true intentions and plans for Israel in his second term and how disastrous it will be to Israel’s security and survival if he is reelected.

Defeating Obama is top priority

Using military force to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons is the only option left for Israel but it is not in its best interest to strike before the US elections. Now it is more important for Israel that Barack Obama be defeated.

No Chance for Peace

Some of you still think that peace is possible for Israel in the Middle East. Some of you still believe that if Israel would only engage with or negotiate with its Arab enemies, there is a chance for peace. Some of you argue that the roots of the conflict and the Anti-Israeli and Anti-Jewish terrorism...
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Obama is bluffing on Iran

While Israel fears a new Holocaust from a nuclear armed Iran, President Barack Obama seems to only be worried about a preemptive attack on Iran or the talk of war raising oil prices and thereby harming the US economy and his re-election campaign. Despite his reassurances at the AIPAC conference that he “won’t hesitate to...
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Obama’s class warfare

Despite US President Barack Obama’s questionable record of support for Israel, many liberal American Jews support the president’s re-election bid because they claim that his values are more consistent with the values of the Jewish community. They especially praise Obama’s supposed attempt to prevent the accumulation of wealth by a few and fight the rich...
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